Additional notes or comments. For citations, annotations usually include a brief description of the content and what you think of it.
Date (day, month, and/or year) the source was accessed or viewed online.
When the source was electronically published. Sometimes, the date is not readily available.
Name of the city, state or country where the publisher of a source is located. For written sources, this can usually be found on the title page. It is not always required, depending on the style.
The organization, company, individual, or other entity that published, sponsored, or issued the content.
In the citation forms, this refers to any additions to the end of a name that tells us more information about the contributor. Examples: Jr., Sr., II, III, Esq., etc.
What a source is called or its name. In the absence of a title, some styles may ask for a summary of the source.
The address of a web page. URL is short for Uniform Resource Locator. Example:
Way the content or information is communicated, shared, or published. Below are examples for two source types.
Person or organization that assisted in creating content, a performance, or a resource. Examples include a translator, book editor, screenwriter, singer, etc.
Someone who was the originator and creator of content. An author is usually tied to written content (e.g. book, article, play, etc.), but sometimes relates to a digital image, comic, or podcast.
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