It has two purposes. First, this page is a reminder to check the information we've found and to make sure it matches what you see in your source. Second, it shows you what information was and was not found when we looked for information on your source.
When you choose to cite a source using our automatic citing feature (like books, website, journals, etc.), we search through other resources and databases for details about your source. If we find a match to what you are citing, we import as much citation detail as possible, but sometimes information is missing or not comprehensive. That is why we have this page; it's to ensure that you know what information may still need to be found or edited.
Input as much information as you can. Once a citation is created, you can go back and manually edit in the other details later. Also, some citation styles don't require all of the information we highlight on this page. You may want to check what is needed for your source's citation.
For those with an EasyBib® account, if you don’t have all of the information at your fingertips, don't worry. You can always go back to your bibliography later to edit information in the citation form.
Go ahead and click 'Continue.' This will take you to a form that will help you build your citation. Anything we already found will be automatically inputted. Feel free to edit existing information (if you find it is not correct) and to add any missing information.