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Longest Words in English That You Can Actually Use

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the English language, but how often does a forty-five letter lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica or quartz dust come up in conversation? For all those who’d like to dabble in sesquipedalianism (yes, we’ll tell you what that means,) here are a few long words to get […] ...

10 Cool Facts for English Language Lovers

Languages can be as curious and strange as the humans that create them. The English language is no exception. For all of you word-loving nerds, we’ve assembled 10 English facts to test your knowledge and tease your mind. Looking for help with an English paper? Check your paper at CitationMachine.net. It’ll help flag misspelled adjectives, subject-verb […] ...