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How to Cite a Podcast


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Ah, the podcast. A pretty modern way to be entertained or learn new things! Podcasts can be great sources of information for a research paper. They cover a wide range of topics, and can lead you to discussion questions you may want to address in your paper.

So how would you go about citing a podcast in your bibliography? Never fear! We have put together a quick guide below on how to cite a podcast in MLA format, APA format, and Chicago style.

To cite a podcast, you may want to include the following pieces of information:

  1. Full name of contributor (such as the podcast host or narrator), the username, or the name of the company that posted the content
  2. Title of the podcast
  3. Title of the episode
  4. Publisher of the podcast or where you watched it
  5. Date the podcast was posted
  6. URL of the podcast

Use the following structure to cite a podcast in MLA 9:

Last name, First name (of the individual who posted the content OR the name of the company who posted it OR the username), author’s title (if applicable). “Title of the Podcast Episode.” Title of the Podcast, Name of the Publisher/Where you listened to it (only include if it is different than the author or title), Date it was posted, URL.

Here’s how the above example would be cited in MLA 9:

Chang, Ailsa, host. “Why Scientists Can’t Explain All the Appeal of an Eclipse.” Morning Edition, NPR, 11 Aug. 2017. www.npr.org/2017/

If you need help with in-text and parenthetical citations, CitationMachine.net, can help. Our MLA citation generator is simple and easy to use!

Use the following structure to create an APA citation for a podcast:

Last, F. M. (Contributor title). (Year, Month Date). Podcast episode title [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from URL.

Here’s how the above example would be cited as an APA citation:

Chang, A. (Host).  (2017, August 11). Why scientists can’t explain all the appeal of an eclipse [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2017/

Use the following structure to cite a podcast in Chicago style format:

Last Name, First Name. “Episode Title”. Podcast Title. Podcast audio, Month Date, Year of publication. URL.

Here’s how the above example would be cited in Chicago style format:

Chang, Alisa. “Why Scientists Can’t Explain All the Appeal of an Eclipse”. Morning Edition. Podcast audio, August 11, 2017. https://www.npr.org/2017/

Looking to go beyond just creating citations? Try Citation Machine Plus! It comes with a paper checker, tools that can create citations in different styles, a parenthetical citation form, and more! If you want help brushing up on writing, we also have helpful guides on “what are determiners,” subordinating conjunctions, and other grammar topics.

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How do I cite an interview that was done on a podcast in APA style?

To cite an interview that was done on a podcast, include the name of the podcast host, publication date, title of the episode featuring the interview, title of the podcast, and publisher. Following are a template and example for how to cite an interview that was done on a podcast in an APA-style reference list.


Podcast Host’s Surname, F. M. (Host). (Publication Date). Title of the episode (episode number) [Format]. In Title of the Podcast. Production Company. URL


Shepard, D. (Host). (2021, November 25). Chris Wallace [Audio podcast interview]. In Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard. Armchair Expert Podcast. https://armchairexpertpod.com/pods/chris-wallace

Points to remember

If the interviewee’s name does not appear in the author field of your citation, you can include the interviewee’s name in the narrative of your paper instead.

The episode number can be excluded from your citation if the podcast’s episodes are not numbered.

Do not add a period after the URL.

How do I format an APA-style in-text citation for a quote that came from a speaker on a podcast who is not the host?

To format an APA-style in-text citation for a quote that came from a speaker on a podcast who is not the host, include the name of the host, the publication date, and the time stamp. It is not necessary to mention the speaker’s name in in-text citations. If the name of the host is not available, you can include the executive producer’s name. Following are the template and example to write an in-text citation for a quote that came from a speaker on a podcast who is not the host.


(Host’s Surname, Publication Date. hh:mm:ss)


He mentioned, “It is time to change the world” (Maron, 2018, 14:12)

Point to remember

The time stamp should indicate the beginning time of the quotation.

How do I cite a podcast in Chicago (notes-bibliography) style that comes from a streaming service?

To cite a podcast that comes from a streaming service in Chicago (notes-bibliography) style, include the name of the host(s), title of the podcast and the specific episode, publication date, producer, and URL. Following are templates and examples for how to cite a podcast in Chicago notes-bibliography style.

Footnote template:

  1. This is an example sentence.1


  1. Host’s First Name Surname, “Title of Podcast Episode,” publication date, in Title of Podcast, produced by Producer Name, podcast, format, runtime in “hh:mm:ss” format, URL.

Footnote example:

  1. It is reported by NPR.1


  1. Bree Fram and Máel Embser-Herbert, “Transgender Troops On Protecting Their Right To Serve,” November 29, 2021, in 1A, produced by NPR, podcast, MP3 audio, 32:58, https://www.npr.org/2021/11/29/1059835307/transgender-troops-on-protecting-their-right-to-serve.

Bibliography template and example: 

Host 1 Surname, First Name and Host 2 First Name Surname. “Episode Title.” Produced by Producer Name. Title of Podcast. Publication Date. Podcast, format, runtime in “hh:mm:ss” format. URL.

Fram, Bree and Máel Embser-Herbert. “Transgender Troops On Protecting Their Right To Serve.” Produced by NPR. 1A. November 29, 2021. Podcast, MP3 audio, 32:58. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/29/1059835307/transgender-troops-on-protecting-their-right-to-serve.

How do I cite a podcast quote in Chicago (notes-bibliography) style?

To cite a podcast quote in Chicago (notes-bibliography) style, add the name of the host, quote, title of the podcast, publication date, and URL. Following are the template and example to cite a podcast in Chicago.

Notes template:

“This is an example quote.”1


1. Podcast Creator First Name Surname, “Episode Title,” in Podcast Title, Publication date, podcast, Podcast length in hh:mm:ss, URL.

Notes example:

Taylor says, “None of Us Want to be Known as the Big Spreader Event of the Year.”1


1.  Johnny Taylor, “None of Us Want to be Known as the Big Spreader Event of the Year,” in What the Omicron Variant Means for Plans to Start Working In-Person Again, December 3, 2021, podcast, 01:21, https://www.npr.org/2021/12/03/1061333505/what-the-omicron-variant-means-for-plans-to-start-working-in-person-again.

Bibliography template & example:

Podcast Creator Last Name, First Name. “Episode Title.” Podcast Title. Date published. Podcast, Podcast length in hh:mm:ss. URL.

Taylor, Johnny. “None of Us Want to be Known as the Big Spreader Event of the Year.” What the Omicron Variant Means for Plans to Start Working In-Person Again. December 3, 2021. Podcast, 01:21, https://www.npr.org/2021/12/03/1061333505/what-the-omicron-variant-means-for-plans-to-start-working-in-person-again.